Most workers in South Australia are entitled to long service leave regardless of their employment status — e.g. full‑time, part‑time, casual. However, not all workers in South Australia will receive their entitlements through South Australia's Long Service Leave Act 1987 (SA).
SafeWork SA is the regulator for long service leave provisions only in relation to those workers covered under the Long Service Leave Act 1987 (SA).
A worker's long service leave entitlement forms part of the National Employment Standards. This standard applies to all workers covered by the national workplace relations system (which includes SA), regardless of any award, agreement or contract.
Workers who generally are covered under South Australia's legislation include:
Casual workers who are employed under a contract or a series of contracts can accrue a long service leave entitlement.
A casual worker is an employee who accepts an offer for a job knowing that there is no firm advanced commitment from the employer to provide ongoing work and/or an agreed/regular pattern of work.
Advance commitment is determined by whether:
Mary works according to a roster that changes every week to suit her employer’s needs (i.e. number of hours and days worked changes with each roster). Mary has the option to refuse shifts, and she can also swap allocated shifts. Mary is paid a casual loading on her rate of pay, and her employment is described as casual.
Under the law, Mary is considered to be employed as a casual employee.
Casual staff continue to be employed on a casual basis unless:
Note for employers
Employers should carefully consider the true nature of the employment of their workers. Some people working under casual contracts may not be true casuals, rather, they are part-time workers. If an employer wants to offer casual work, the work must meet the criteria of casual work (as outlined above).
Sally had been working as a casual working 10-20 hours per week. There has been some restructuring of the business that Sally works for and her boss, Victoria, has asked her to work Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 10am-3pm. Sally has been told that she needs to work these specific days and hours. Sally will continue to be paid her usually hourly rate.
Under this new arrangement, Sally's employment should now be considered as part-time as the work arrangements no longer meet the criteria of casual employment.
Workers not covered under this act include:
If your entitlements are not covered under the SA legislation you must contact the Fair Work Ombudsman for information relating to your long service leave.
We Fix It has several workshops across the Adelaide metro and regional South Australia. We Fix It has been a member of the MTA since they opened in 2001 and their workers are covered under the Vehicle Industry Award. Reggie has been a mechanic working full-time for 13 years. Reggie's long service leave entitlements are under the Vehicle Industry Award and not the Long Service Leave Act 1987 (SA).
Reggie will need to contact the Fair Work Ombudsman to find out more about his long service leave entitlements.
If you are a construction industry worker employed under the Construction Industry Long Service Leave Act 1987 you qualify for long service leave based on your service to the industry, rather than to just one employer.
For information on long service leave provisions, construction workers should contact Portable Long Service Leave on 8332 6111 or Toll Free (SA country only) 1800 182 124.
Public sector workers are not covered under the Long Service Leave Act 1987 (SA). Public sector employees have their long service leave entitlements defined through legislation and a Determination of the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment if:
If in doubt, talk to your agency's human resources section.
Commonwealth public sector employees have their provisions covered under the Long Service Leave (Commonwealth Employees) Act 1976.
If you're unsure if your long service leave provisions fall under SA legislation or an award or agreement ask your employer, HR manager or union representative for the name of your award, agreement or the legislation from where your provisions stem.
If you have read all the long service leave information on our website and you still have questions or concerns about your entitlements, please follow the below options.
For employees and employers: If you have further questions about long service leave, please contact our Help Centre by calling 1300 365 255 or emailing
For employees only: If you are a worker and are in a disagreement with your employer regarding long service leave, please submit a Long Service Leave claim form.