Care Act training: assessment of needs

This theme explores the key duties for the assessment of needs process, when do the duties apply and how to carry out an assessment of needs ensuring the legal duties are met.

Training videos

The duty to assess and identifying appearance of needs

Things to consider when assessing needs

Identifying outcomes that matter

Exploring needs

Impact on individual wellbeing and recording the assessment

Key messages

What is the duty?

What is an assessment of needs?

When does it apply?

Apply the duties in practice

Reflective questions

Find below a set of reflective questions that will help you embed the above key messages in your social care practice.

  1. Have I fully explained the purpose of an assessment and given the adult time and ideas on how to prepare for the assessment?
  2. Have I offered the adult the opportunity to have the assessment at a time and place to suit them? Have I checked whether they would like or need anyone else to be present?
  3. During the assessment did I see the adult as the expert in in their own life?
  4. During the assessment did I support the adult to lead the conversation by asking open-ended questions to understand what are important outcomes for them in their day-to day life? Did I explore the needs which they feel are preventing them from achieving those outcomes and the impact of the needs on their individual wellbeing?
  5. Do I have a clear understanding of the outcomes that are important to the adult and why?
  6. Do I have a clear understanding of what the adult’s needs are, which they feel prevents them from achieving the outcomes identified? What evidence do I have for when I complete the assessment form?
  1. Did I work in partnership with the adult to consider potential solutions or opportunities to support them to achieve the outcomes and/or reduce the impact of the assessed needs on their individual wellbeing? Using a strengths-based approach and starting with the resources the individual has.
  2. Did I provide appropriate and proportionate information and tailored advice, to enable the adult to make informed decisions, exercising choice and control?
  3. Was I open to the adult’s suggestions about the care and support they feel they would benefit from?

Further resources